Friday, July 17, 2009

I've added a feed from my google reader account to this blog, which I am super excited about because I love google reader.

I was thinking earlier today about how so many bookstores have gone out of business in the bay area, especially independants, and how I'd love to open a used book store specializing in used sci-fi, fantasy, romance, legal biographies, and books about war in the Embarcadero Malls. I'd have lunchtime buyers from everyone in the local office buildings who reads on BART.

Honestly, if you've had the (arguable) pleasure of talking to me in person lately, I've probably talked about how I think that the local independant bookstores are going out of business because they're ignoring popular fiction, especially romance (which, hello, is 50% of books sold in the USA! talk about shooting yourself in the foot). A store that sells books people actually want to read on the train would probably do great in this area. Sadly, the money and time to open this store? I do not have them. Ditto the business know-how. But if you're reading this, you should!

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