Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hi Folks,

I was messing around in Google Reader, and saw there's a way you can create and share bundles of resources with friends! If you'd like to read the same feeds as me in legal or law library subject areas, check out my bundles (hah-hah) half-way down the left hand column. Or, you can keep trusting me to share the funny and weird headlines in my "Google Reader Shared Items" widget, at the top of the the left hand column.


Academic Lectures Online:

What did you like best about lectures when you were in college? The mental stimulation? The new information to discuss at parties? Nap time when you sat in back? Some (though not all) of your favorite undergraduate memories can be relived now, thanks to the wealth of academic lectures now available online.

Just-launched Forum-Network is a website created by PBS and NPR bringing you a variety of lectures, searchable by keyword.

An older site, Research Channel, has made over 3,500 lectures available online. They are browseable by subject, program title, series title, or University/Institution. YouTube EDU also has some interesting academic lectures, and iTunes U has a section of academic podcasts. If you need to help your kiddo with his or her homework, there's WatchKnow, a site illustrating different concepts with videos for the K-12 set.

These are great sources to learn about new topics or refresh your memory of old ones. And if you use them for their soporific effect, I promise not to tell.

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