Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Search Engines!

I just learned about some interesting new search engines, and I'm listing them here, so I don't forget about them:

By Prof. Judy Weedman, a site that does have sound. A talking librarian!

This is a neat combination of search engine and directory search:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where do you file those things in Canada, anyway?

This morning I spend a good long time trying to find a corporate record for a company in Quebec. I had no idea where the equivilant of a US Secretary of State's Corporate Records online search would be. I wasn't even sure what level of government filed those things. I finally found this: https://ssl.req.gouv.qc.ca/slc0130_eng.html which I think gave me what I needed, but I came awfully close to emailing Connie with questions.

Also, I never though my highschool French would come in so handy- it seems all Quebec's official docucuments are in French, and I could actually read them. Shocking!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm very dense or very clever...

I just looked up the definition of a term in the IRS regulations of a word used in the IRS statutes, and it seems that the decemal numbering of section 1 of title 26 of the CFR tracks the numbering of title 26 of the US Code. Do other regulations do that, or is it just the IRS? I've only noticed the corrolation between 26 CFR and 26 USC. Am I just not noticing this in other sections?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The best interlibrary loan request I've ever gotten:

Good morning,

I have been asked to find and borrow the following title, and surprise surprise I can't find it in any of the biblio databases:

The Online Adult Entertainment Webmaster Legal Resource: The Laws that Every Webmaster Should Know, by Frederick S. Lane III, Gregory A. Piccionelli, Version 2.0, 2004.
I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have a copy of this that we can borrow? Any help would be appreciated.

Steve at HR

I looked for it on Amazon (thinking it would hilarious to get my boss to get us a copy) and couldn't find it. How could such an obviously useful book go out of print?

Monday, July 17, 2006

A pet peeve of mine:

When a new publisher takes over a title, and makes you buy the whole thing again, instead of just updating what's already there. This just happened with the San Francisco Municipal Code, now published by Municode. They're making the library pay $401 for a new edition of the code, and then another $280 at the same time for update service. But our firm can't not have access to the Municipal Code, so we'll pay and watch our library budget hemmorage money. There has been much complaining about this on the local law library boards, but aside from starting a POD print operation and taking over publication ourselves, there's not much we can do.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Huh. Look at that. LLRX.com has an article on Law Library Blogging (here: http://www.llrx.com/columns/tao6.htm ) by another Blogger on this site - Ms Connie Crosby (her blog is here: http://conniecrosby.blogspot.com/ ). Her site is very interesting (as SLaw sites tend to be) with a useful list of links on the side, and it makes me wonder why so many of the great law librarian blogs I've seen since starting to poke around online are Canadian. I wonder if our neighbors to the north are adapting to technology faster, or if the law librarian democraphic is younger, because I sincerely doubt they just have more time on their hands.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Noelle, my best friend, posted this meme on her blog:

Closest Blue Book Meme
1. Grab the nearest book with a blue cover.
2. Open the book to page 86.
3. Find the first full paragraph.
4. Post the text in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find, just the closest blue book.

I'm at work, and the closest book that is blue is "The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation." I suspect I'm the only one who finds this hilarious. Anyway, here's my quote.

"For cases with multiple dispositions, however, the parenthetical identifier is given only when a case is cited as the primary citation. Once given, the parenthetical identifier may be used when the case is cited again. Thus, the following examples are correct:"

Monday, June 19, 2006

I keep on working on this pile of cataloging, but it doesn't seem to get smaller.

And the printer doesn't want to print labels for the books from LA (and who can blame it, really).

And I'm very, very sleepy today.

Tomorrow I am bringing my earphones and my MP3 player. There has to be a better way.

Friday, June 16, 2006

"Be a little careful of your Library. Do you foresee what you will do with it? Very little to be sure. But the real question is, What it will do with you? You will come here & get books that will open your eyes, & your ears, & your curiosity, & turn you inside out or outside in." —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 09, 2006

The 5 Ws and an H

Who: Me
What: Didn't have to shelve a huge pile of books
When: Last night
Where: At my little law library
Why: Because the guy who files our legal pocket parts and looseleaf updates did it for me!
How: With great skill and finesse

Bonus W: Who Cares? I do! I hate leaving a messy library overnight, and I was going to have to, because I'd been working on a giant project all day and had hit my cap on my hours.

The 5 Ws and an H

Who: Me
What: Didn't have to shelve a huge pile of books
When: Last night
Where: At my little law library
Why: Because the guy who files our legal pocket parts and looseleaf updates did it for me!
How: With great skill and finesse

Bonus W: Who Cares? I do! I hate leaving a messy library overnight, and I was going to have to, because I'd been working on a giant project all day and had hit my cap on my hours.

Monday, June 05, 2006

One of the great things about this job is that occasionally, I get paid to spend hours surfing the web. Today was one of those days.

I tried out ask.com today - I didn't like it much. I'm not sure if it's because I'm used to searching using Google, or if it's because the groups search was thrown off by the last name of the person I was searching for information on (the last name was Gates, and ask.com tried to sell me gates, even though I had the first and last name in quotes, so it shouldn't have isolated that term). I'll give it another shot, but I think my default search engine will still be Google or Yahoo.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I just tried to edit my links on the sidebar...

I just tried to edit my links on the sidebar, and the changes are showing on my Template page, but not on my blog. That's annoying.

I'll poke at it more later.

*edit in* - it's because my computer was pulling up the cached version. I hit refresh, and now everything displays fine. *Facepalm*

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My first post!

I'm not planning to use this as a regular blog (I keep that elsewhere, sorry people), but I do plan to post links and useful law library tips. Mostly so that I remember where all the links are. Think of this as a poor man's (or poor law librarian's) version of J's Scratchpad, but not nearly as cool.

Links to start out with? For library job hunters in the bay area:



www.craigslist.com (do a search for "Librarian" in the "jobs" section, and you'll find a bunch of stuff)